Kim Curley Headshot

The next risk frontier is the workforce. I’m talking about behaviors; there are a lot of things that we can control and a lot of things we can automate and safeguard, but we still are a bunch of humans running around executing business to please our clients.

Kim Curley, Vice President
Workforce Readiness Practice, NTT DATA

Make the Most of the Human Side of Business


Technological advances, the persistent need for organizational growth and resiliency, and the rapidly changing workforce underscore the need for data driven, human-centric, digital-forward solutions for organizations across industries. The pace of change means that the ways we work, train, skill and reskill need to adapt in response.


But the gap between transformation and success lies in human adoption. If you cannot succeed at the human element, you cannot succeed in your business. We help our clients manage and thrive at the human side of business.



Integrate the human elements of business change with process and technology to drive alignment, increase user adoption and accelerate transformation through targeted talent and re-skilling.

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Drive and sustain organizational change management, training and self-service support solutions to improve processes, business results, productivity and efficiency.



Transform your workforce with customized talent, culture, leadership and organizational design strategies to improve alignment and achieve a continuous improvement mindset.


Nuestros servicios

Gartner nos nombró líder en Servicios Administrados para el Lugar de Trabajo. – Febrero de 2021

¿Qué es la preparación de la fuerza laboral? Es cómo puede poner en práctica las soluciones comerciales a través de las personas, los procesos y la tecnología.

Thought Leadership

The latest on Workforce Readiness from NTT DATA