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The Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) connects, protects and innovates IT services, infrastructure and cybersecurity for 69 state government agencies in the Commonwealth of Virginia. These agencies previously relied on a mix of Google and Microsoft productivity solutions, which complicated communication and collaboration.

VITA partnered with NTT DATA to migrate all agencies onto the Microsoft 365 platform. The Commonwealth is now empowered with a unified productivity solution, improving efficiency and security and reducing costs.

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Agencies within the Commonwealth of Virginia operate independently. Historically, the agencies used a combination of Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 productivity tools. That fragmentation hindered cross-agency collaboration and reduced data security.

Following a directive from the new governor to reduce costs and improve service, VITA worked with NTT DATA to migrate all Commonwealth employees to a unified Microsoft 365 platform. The migration would eliminate information silos, ensure timely email and message delivery, better protect data, reduce licensing costs, and foster seamless communication and collaboration across the Commonwealth.

The move also allowed the agencies to leverage advanced Microsoft tools like Power Automate to streamline operations and Power BI to deliver data insights for enhanced decision-making.


72K user accounts migrated to Microsoft 365
$1M recurring application licensing cost savings
1.6B objects transferred with a 99.99% success rate
  • Transitioned with no unplanned downtime or impact on operations
  • Reduced data storage costs
  • Improved compliance reporting
Bob Osmond


The successful completion of the Microsoft 365 migration demonstrates the Commonwealth’s strong cross-agency partnerships and shared commitment to advancing government technology for the benefit of all residents.

Bob Osmond, CIO of the Commonwealth of Virginia


Precision migration with 99.99% accuracy

NTT DATA has a long history of collaborating with Microsoft to deliver innovative, high-performance business solutions. When NTT DATA began working with VITA, the team designed and deployed integrations between the state agencies’ Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 platforms to support the Commonwealth. But when the new governor took the helm, VITA and NTT DATA were tasked to reduce complexity and licensing costs by moving all agencies to Microsoft 365 hosted on Microsoft Azure.

Each state agency has unique needs, so NTT DATA designed the migrations to ensure alignment with their specific missions. NTT DATA worked with each agency, one at a time, steadily migrating users to the platform.

In less than a year, the team migrated over 72,000 user accounts and 1.6 billion objects with 99.99% accuracy.

The agencies appreciate the partnership and the seamlessness of the transition. "NTT DATA's work with the Commonwealth's agencies showcased unparalleled efficiency and a tailored approach,” says the Commonwealth’s Chief Information Officer, Bob Osmond. “The team raised the bar for performance and service."

Improved communication, collaboration and compliance

Commonwealth agencies now have unified access to Microsoft collaboration tools like SharePoint, Teams, and OneDrive, as well as productivity tools like Power Automate and Power BI. The switch to Microsoft 365 also enables the agencies to manage reporting efficiently and to comply with Virginia Freedom of Information Act requests — without incurring additional third-party costs.

“With our new platform in place, our Commonwealth agencies can now collaborate more effectively, enhancing productivity through streamlined communication,” says Osmond.

Unified data and email protection

Before its consolidation onto Microsoft 365, inconsistent data security policies exposed the Commonwealth to cyber threats, but now VITA has strengthened security with policies that cover data loss prevention, encryption and protection against phishing, spam and malware.

The Commonwealth’s email is protected using Cloudflare Area 1 in conjunction with Microsoft 365. In a study of 22 million emails routed through the Commonwealth in a 30-day period, 10% were blocked as malicious — protecting the Commonwealth and its data in real time.

Reduced licensing and storage costs

Rationalizing application licenses to reduce IT costs was one of the goals of the migration project. The migration team evaluated existing license use and identified underutilized licenses for release. This effort saved the Commonwealth nearly $1 million in annual reoccurring costs.

Migrating to Microsoft 365 also reduces data storage costs. By moving VITA’s network storage to cloud-based OneDrive accounts, the Commonwealth can save hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly on storage costs alone.

Continued partnership for success

NTT DATA continues to support VITA with insights, training and strategies to deliver more benefits from the migration. The team established new policies and procedures to enhance collaboration. All training and reference documents are housed in VITA’s ServiceNow platform for future reference.

VITA plans to capture additional efficiencies and cost savings by replacing agency voice-over IP (VoIP) phones with Microsoft Teams calling. Other efforts are underway to leverage Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Intune to streamline mobile device management.

“NTT DATA has been phenomenal at understanding our business, and they’ve been extremely flexible, quickly adapting to our needs,” says Osmond. “Their approach to the transition was consistent, and they took the time to listen to us and understand our needs — which was crucial to the project's success.”

About VITA

VITA equips and empowers the Commonwealth of Virginia’s executive branch in IT infrastructure, cybersecurity, governance and procurement services. The organization supports over 60 agencies and 55,000 employees in the Commonwealth in serving Virginia’s 8.6 million residents and many more visitors.



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